Friday, November 2, 2012

Circles In The Sky

This image has long been a favorite of mine.  I found it again in my current cleaning up work on Lightroom.  Ingredients:  An overcast day, a photo explore in downtown Portland and a camera with a flip-out LCD view screen.  Yum!


Carol Leigh said...

Terrific shot. Love the smaller circles arcing around the top of the frame.

Carol Leigh said...

I have had it with the comment moderation "prove you're not a robot." I had to do it FOUR times! Isn't there a way to moderate comments without our readers having to decipher italic hieroglyphics? And I'm going to have to do it AGAIN for THIS comment! Grrrrrr...

Linda Heinsohn said...

Carol, I turned off the blurry number and screwed up italics, "prove you're not a robot" test to post comments. But I kept the moderation. It must be frustrating to someone such as yourself who comments on a lot of blogs to have to worry you need glasses every time that stupid test comes up. And all you want to do is say something encouraging. I hope this helps! Linda