Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Three Images--Numbers Assignment

Three images for my photomontage first assignment which is blending two photos and running them through the PS blending modes until an interesting, changed image (may or may not) appear.  Sometimes I wonder why there are other blending modes than "Difference."  Since, try as I might, none of the other blending modes made a speck of interest this time around.  However, here they are and now, I'm on to the next assignment. 

My weekly learning project is to read and breathe through an article I found in the latest Photoshop Users mag on how to move a photo from Lightroom to Photoshop for editing and back again--successfully.  It's something I've wondered about how to do efficiently since I installed LR several months ago.  Last week I made it through the first section of the Lightroom 3D Garage Crash Course.  After I study the PU article, my learning assignment further includes studying part two of that online course.

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