Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Flower Sunrise

Found this cheery thing on my walk yesterday morning. It looks like a miniature sunflower to me. It was sprouting up by itself, about three inches tall, 2 inches wide, beside a sidewalk. I have no idea what its name is. If someone else does, please leave a comment.
You can see how sharp the macro function is on my little P&S. I was probably 2 inches or so from the flower. Gotta love digital!

1 comment:

brucesc said...

I always think I come to your blog every day, but when I do there are three new photos. All winners this time too.
I agree that the filter made the knives more interesting. Nice idea!
I see Carol influence all over the beautiful stairs. Did you try cloning out the door? Or clone out the railing and crop below the door--I tried with my little 'ladies helper' mat several different croppings too and either the door or the rail has to go. The watercolor treatment was just right--they look like Monet's stairs.
What a pretty little flower. It reminds me of a single marigold--the ends of the petals are like that. But it could also be some kind of double daisy. In my book, it also looks even more like desert dandelion, microseris cuspidata--check that one out.